Educational Project

Read more about our School’s learning model

The School

Our school is a place for all kids, from babies to 14 year olds.

Parents Area

The Parents Area is where parents can find pictures, learning resources, notices and notifications.


Educational Project

Learning is a constructivist process at kiddies School. The learning model is centered on the integral development of all the children’s cognitive potential. Based on Multiple Intelligences Theory, we offer a wide range of tasks and project work , as well as opportunities for them to transfer to other aereas.

The Italian Reggian Schools do influence our work too, as creativity arises at all times in a highly motivating and rich environment. The language for communication at Kiddies School is English. Parents and family are welcome to take part in our project by having an active role in sharing with us their job, hobbies or knowledge of the topics we are working on.

We search for endless opportunities to raise their curiosity to learn by estimulating senses, offering hand-in- experience, and fostering self discovery, creativity and play.

  • We put forward great exposure to art through puppets play, theatre plays, black theatre, open assemblies, traditional games and fairs, musical assemblies and days. As English is our means of communication at school we support the understanding by the usage of visual aids,music, gestures, scenery and clothing.

  • We organize different circuits with hoops, platforms, ropes, bars, mats, tunnels, cones for the development of gross motor skills. We introduce changes and new circuits to challenge movement and gain control of the body.

  • Play is central . Play involves cognitive and emotional movemet, rich in individual and cooperative growth. The manipulation and exploration of materials and textures paves the way to symbolic play. The materials become the source of multiple possibilities, where the teacher’s role is to plan, design, provide and enrich it. Everybody contributes and creates areas that cater for the kids’ interests and motivation.

Our Team

The teachers at Kiddies School are professionals who have great experience and are open to readapt their role to investigators recording childhood daily , interpreting their culture, ideas, and way of seeing the world around them. Observant and flexible teachers that absorb the iniciative and ideas the children put forward and be able to adapt and include them into the syllabus. The planning of Project work is design in detail to cater for every child’s needs and interests in play contexts.

Our Services


Kiddies School is an early childhood centre for 0 to 3 years-old children.
It offers cosy and lively premises as well as a team of qualified proffesionals in education who are deeply envolved and in love with childhood.

Our centre has been recognized and compiles with all the requirements from Junta de Andalucía in terms of premises, staff qualifications, eductional project, evacuation plan, hygene plan , catering service etc.

Our programme implements the immersion to English, promoting a real bilinguism, where English is central and the means of communication at school.

The timetable options that we offer are: half-day (from 8:30 to 13:00 hours), and complete-day (from 8:30 to 16:45 hours).

Lunch is offered to those who choose whole day service.


Kiddies School also offers parcial immersion to English to 3-13 year old children in a natural and communicative environment, becoming a challenge for teachers, parents, children and community. Children learn to speak before they write. Our goal is for the children who attend to sit for Preliminary English Test (B1) at 12-13.

The benefits are the following:

-Native or bilingual teachers.

-Self access center (computers room for the development of reading, listening and writing)

-Twice a week from 17:00 to 19:00

-Open from September 15th to June 15th aprox

-Independent Classes on the first floor.


The school does not close during July and August. Any child from the school or other schools can attend Kiddies School choosing complete day o half day, one month or two months. During these months the project work will be purely recreational and fun where there’ll be endless opportunities to play with water, open air activities and art.

The timetable is 8:30-13:00 half day and 8:30-16:45 full day.

Tuesday and Thursday we set up inflatable pools, sprinklers, slides as weell as traditional games such as water ballons, water guns, watermills that are always a source of fun and enjyment.

The enrolment for summer school opens in April, being able to book a vacancy.

The School

Our premises are located in Fuengirola in Avenida Torreblanca 9. Two fully equipped, luminous classrooms: one for 1-2 year-old children and another for 2-3 year olds with central heating and air conditioning system. We also have a soft area for kids under one year. There’s a soft aerea for babies and an open air patio. There is also a multi-purpose room with adaptable multifunctional equipment, an office, kitchen and toilets.


Our Mission

Our aim is to offer children and family an active , inventive, documented and communicative shool , grounds for teachers to learn, investigate and reflect on experiences and strategies that foster learning through discovery, activating cognitive potential and curiosity in a highly motivating environment.

Playing, imagining and creating in an educational frame called “PROJECT WORK”

School Canteen

Nutrition and healthy eating habits are key in the education of our children. Meal time is a unique occasion that adults have to educate and help children learn about healthy habits while experiencing various flavours and textures.

The catering service has been carefully selected for the quality and freshness of its products that is combined with the appropriate portion sizes. Our external catering service provides weekly meals to our school that have been vacuum packed and meet all the traceability guarantees required by the authorities.

The menu consists of a first dish of vegetables, cream soup or legumes and a second plate of protein. All dishes are seasoned with soft and natural low salt products . Our meals offer seasonal fruits as dessert.

In the afternoon, we also serve meals (fruit, cereals, and yogurt).

The menus are designed for the age and needs of the little ones, taking into account special needs, allergies and other circumstances.

The monthly menu will be available at our website every begining of the month in the exclusive access area for our school’s parents.


This is a small brushstroke of what we have done so far during this year. If you want to see more you can visit our social networks or, if you are a parent at our school you can request the password to access the Parents’ Area in which you will find many more pictures and resources.


Parent's Area

This area is reserved for all parents of children that are enrolled in our school.You can request the password to access specific content including: news and notes,menu, the year school calendar, project work ,current / daily activities with photos, and much more.

Contact Us

You can make an appointment with us by giving us a call, or, you can send us a message through the following contact form and we will get in touch with you as soon as possible.



    Centro Infantil Torreblanca S.L.L
    CIF: B93196475
    Address: Avenida Torreblanca número 9, 29640 Fuengirola
    Telephone: 951 081 767
    Mobile phone: 606 378 950